About helsedata.no

Helsedata.no provides guidance and tools to access high quality health data for research and innovation purposes.

The development of helsedata.no is managed by the Norwegian Directorate of eHealth (NDE) in close collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Cancer Registry of Norway (CRN), the Research Council of Norway, the Directorate for ICT and joint services in higher education and research (UNIT), local and regional health authorities, researchers and business representatives.


Norwegian health data are highly regarded. The main objective is to increase the utilization of Norwegian health data in research, innovation and development. Helsedata.no is a portal that provides information, means and tools for easier and quicker access to unique information assets.


Helsedata.no contains detailed information about various data sources, variables, electronic application forms and guidance on the process of requesting access to health data.

Common application form

Using the common application form you can request access health information from many different data sources. As of September 2020, the application form includes data sources managed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Cancer Registry.

Data sources overview

A comprehensive overview of various data sources makes it easier to find the data you need. The website contains brief information about data sources such as:

• National health registries

• National medical quality registers

• National health surveys

• Biobanks

• Socio-economic data

You will also find information about statistics banks with health information and other sources of health information that are openly available.

Variable search and lists

Most data sources descriptions are linked to lists of variables. In addition, you will find descriptions of variables from selected data sources. We currently show variable descriptions from the year 2019.

The variable overview shows you which variables you can apply for in selected data sources. You can also see basic statistics and coding systems for certain variables. You can select and collect variables you want to apply for in a separate list that you can download and attach to an application.

If you are searching for variables not listed on helsedata.no, see if you can find them on the HRR metadatabase for National Health Registries.

Guidance on the application process

Two guides have been developed to help you request access to Norwegian health data.

One for the process of applying for personally identifiable information, the other for aggregate data (also known as statistics, table data, etc.)

We hope this helps you obtain easy access to relevant health data.


Please send an email to service@helsedata.no if you have feedback or questions about the website.